Completely Custom Cake Topper Design & Customize
It's hard to plan a wedding, especially when you want it to be a special day and everything you find for decorating seems to be generic. Why not customize your own bobblehead cake topper? You and your soon-to-be spouse will bobble in perfect harmony on your cake as customized dolls that you can keep forever as a unique memento of the day. And it doesn�t have to be a wedding - we can make custom cake toppers for any occasion!
Options His Options Her Options His Upgrades - $10 Her Upgrades - $10 Image Files
Use "ctrl" or "shift" to select and upload multiple photos.
Additional Image Files Special instructions & Comments The description of any logos, hats, tattoos, writing on the clothing, jewelry or anything else you want on the doll. Its all included in the price (additional charges may apply for added sculpted items like dogs, chairs, etc)