Bob Your Head To The Music

You’ve seen bobblehead sports figures, presidents, brides and grooms.

custom bobblehead dolls side by sideBut you have also seen bobblehead musicians. Bobbleheads are a great strategy for promoting music. Here is why the trend has been so effective in the industry:


The bobbing head these dolls are known for essentially encourages people to move with the music. This makes them a huge promotional tool. Additionally, bobbleheads are highly customizable. This is a huge advantage for musicians. Bobbleheads should be as detailed as possible so that when people see them there is no doubt in their mind about who the doll is.


Custom bobbleheads can also be used to build anticipation before the release of an album or an upcoming concert. Additionally, bobbleheads can be customized by event with a promotional message. For example, the name of the musician or date of the concert can be engraved on the bobblehead stand. Audio messages can also be recorded with bobbleheads! This is a great opportunity for musicians, and can really make the bobblehead unique to their sound.


Bobbleheads have been a big trend in the music industry for years. The Beatles bobbleheads are now extremely sought-after collector’s items! Their customizability, uniqueness to the industry and ability to compliment a marketing strategy make them a great promotional opportunity for musical artists.